Before becoming a village servant, it is very important for you to know that what is a village servant, then these

officers work for the development of the village and it is in the form of a link between any village and the government, which is a link between each other. We work to keep them connected and work to reach the government benefits to the people of the village.Gram Sevak is appointed in every Panchayat of the village, which is a government officer and it is appointed for the development
of the villages and to help the people there, who reach any kind of problem etc. to the government and Whatever benefits are received from the government, they reach the villages.Educational Qualification to become Gram Sevak : To become a Gram Sevak, first of all you have to pass out, after that you have to pass graduation from any recognized university, only after that you can apply for it and the candidates who have done graduation in any stream can apply for it. can.
age limit to become gram sevak : The age limit has also been fixed for applying in Gram Sevak, on the basis of that you can apply in it and to apply in this, your minimum age should be 18 years and maximum age should be up to 35 years and reserved categories are eligible for this post. Age relaxation will be provided.Gram Sevak Selection Process :If you want to become a Gram Sevak, then it is very important for you to be aware of applying for it and its selection process and the selection process is kept in the following way.
Application – To become a Gram Sevak, you have to first apply in it and its applications are taken out by the state government, in that you have to apply for the post of Village Development Officer, you can apply online only after applying in it. The process of becoming a Gram Sevak begins.Written Examination – When you apply in this, first of all you have to give written examination of 100 marks and in this you have to get good marks because your merit is made on the basis of your written examination and according to the rank obtained in it. You are given a job for this post.
Training – When you clear the written exam, after that you are given training of gram sevak, in which you have to do office work and field work, in which all the work you have to do gram sevak are taught.When your training is completed, after that you are appointed as a Gram Sevak in any Panchayat and you are given some tasks which you have to complete, such as the task of adding 100 people of the village to BPL. Gramsevak Exam Old Exam Paper Puran gondaliya. If given, you have to complete that in the given time, when you take new joining, then you are given small tasks so that you can work continuously in your post.
village servant salary : The salary of Gram Sevak is very good and there may be different salary for this post in all the states, on this post you are generally given a salary of Rs.52,00 to Rs.20,200 and on this post you are given a grade pay of Rs.2400. And for its detailed information, you can see its official of village servant :The village servant has to do many different tasks, we are telling you about some of the main work of the village servant which they have to do and it is as follows.Here they are responsible for the development of the villages.They keep a record of the clerical work and money done in the village.
ગ્રામસેવક Selection List
Gram Seven propagates the government schemes in the villages.It acts as a link between the government and the villages, which keep both of them connected.t keeps records etc. of the resolutions passed by the Panchayat and implements them.Apart from this, there are many different types of work that they have to do, their main work is related to the development of villages, due to which they have to do all the work related to the development of villages.